Reflections on the Implementation of Comparison Operators
- Originally written:
- Last modified:
- Revision:
Writing comparison operators is still one of the tasks that requires a lot of boilerplate code in C++ even for the simplest of user-defined types. Although it is theoretically possible to let the compiler implement default comparison operators (or more generally, comparison functions), we still have no standardized way of doing so.
This article shows a simple way to add comparison operators with minimal effort for a broad category of simple user-defined types. The technique used is reminiscent of reflection, and can even be implemented non-intrusively for C-like structs.
The current state of affairs
Even in C++14, the compiler won't implement any comparison operators automatically, and there is not even a way to request the compiler to do so. The same issue occurs for arithmetic operators, which won't be covered by this article.
With inheritance, it is possible to compare two objects of derived types where comparison operators have only been defined for a base class. As opposed to special member functions, this is not even prevented by default; it can happen accidentally and may violate certain axioms of comparing objects where the derived type is involved.
There are recent proposals for standardization of compiler-generated comparison functions , and there are proposals to use the proposed reflection utilities to write a library implementing comparison operators .
Post-scriptum: After writing this article, I read the N4239 paper, which unsurprisingly suggests using an approach very similar to the one described here.
A simple implementation of lexicographical comparison
The starting point of this article was some snippet of code I stumbled upon some time ago on StackOverflow. Unfortunately, I cannot remember any details, such as who wrote that code. The snippet show-cased a simplistic implementation of a comparison function:
struct my_simple_type
int x;
int y;
bool operator< (my_simple_type const& lhs, my_simple_type const& rhs) {
return std::tie(lhs.x, lhs.y) < std::tie(rhs.x, rhs.y);
This is much simpler than a straight-forward low-level implementation:
bool operator< (my_simple_type const& lhs, my_simple_type const& rhs) {
if(lhs.x < rhs.x) return true;
if(lhs.x > rhs.x) return false;
return lhs.y < rhs.y;
You might immediately see that the std::tie
version can even be simplified further:
auto tie_nsdm(my_simple_type const& p) {
return std::tie(p.x, p.y);
bool operator< (my_simple_type const& lhs, my_simple_type const& rhs) {
return tie_nsdm(lhs) < tie_nsdm(rhs);
stands for Non-Static Data Member.
The implementation of other comparison operators only differs in the operator applied between the two tied tuples:
bool operator== (my_simple_type const& lhs, my_simple_type const& rhs) {
return tie_nsdm(lhs) == tie_nsdm(rhs);
Using a single tie-function to implement multiple operators reduces the number of functions that are dependent on the number and names of the data members, potentially simplifying maintenance.
One might argue that the comparison operators can typically be implemented by a ternary comparison function, without exposing data members:
struct my_comparison_result;
bool implies_less_than(my_comparison_result const&);
bool implies_equal (my_comparison_result&);
my_comparison_result compare(my_simple_type const& lhs, my_simple_type const& rhs);
bool operator< (my_simple_type const& lhs, my_simple_type const& rhs) {
return implies_less_than( compare(lhs, rhs) );
bool operator== (my_simple_type const& lhs, my_simple_type const& rhs) {
return implies_equal( compare(lhs, rhs) );
But there's another use case that definitely requires more exposition of the data members: Hashing.
Types don't know many things
Howard Hinnant proposed in his
Types don't know #
the Universal hash function
or rather a technique that allows hashing of types with arbitrary hash functions.
I realized there's a common problem in implementing comparison operators and hash functions: accessing the data members of an encapsulated class. This way of formulating the problem is an oversimplification. Quoting the paper by Hinnant, Falco and Bytheway:
[...] types do know what parts of their state should be exposed to a hashing algorithm.
Similarly, types know what parts of their state are relevant for a comparison function.
An automatic (reflection-based) implementation of comparison operators is therefore not viable for all types.
But there's a set of types for which a reflection-based implementation of both comparison functions and
is useful, and I'd argue this set of types is large enough
to warrant a simple solution (since it is, after all, possible to provide one).
For a more general case, the name tie_nsdm
is not well-suited:
What we need to provide in our cases (comparison, hashing)
is unencapsulated reading access to the relevant state of an object.
This formulation still lacks a precision, which I hope can be gained by abstracting from examples.
With a function that exposes the relevant state, we can write comparison operators, hashing functions and even some arithmetic operators with very few boilerplate code.
Of course, we could generalize the problem of accessing the data members by passing in a function object from outside:
template<class F>
decltype(auto) apply_to_members(F f) const {
return f( tie_nsdm(*this) );
But this is not any safer than directly exposing the data members themselves:
Simply use the identity function for f
and the encapsulation is gone.
So, why not expose them directly, by making auto tie_nsdm(my_simple_type const&)
a publicly accessible feature of an otherwise well-encapsulated class?
We'll come back to this later.
A reflection-based implementation of comparison operators
This last bit of boilerplate code for implementing comparison operators can also be removed by implementing the operators via general free function templates:
template<class T>
bool operator< (T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
return tie_ndsm(lhs) < tie_nsdm(rhs);
But by using an unconstrained template, we have gone too far: Not only have we completely removed encapsulation, we also have introduced a valid operator signature for types that are not comparable conceptually. For any type, if you use a type trait / SFINAE to ask "Is this type less-than-comparable?", the answer will be yes, if the above function template is found.
Additionally, where shall we place such an implementation of operator<
so that it will be found by algorithms in the C++ standard library?
Due to the way name lookup works in function templates,
we need the declaration of such an operator in a namespace associated
with the type of at least one operand of the operator.
Boost.Operators solves this issue by making your class inherit from a helper class that provides additional operators, complementing existing operators in your derived class. These additional operator declarations are therefore bound to this specific type and associated with the base class, hence also with your derived class. Boost.Operators declares those operators as friend functions only, which implies that they cannot even be found for unrelated types.
Inheritance is an intrusive change, and not very well implemented in some compilers with respect to the Empty Base Class Optimization. Hence, I tried to find some machinery that solves these two problems without inheritance:
- restrict the operator declaration to types that support my kind of reflection
- make the operator declaration visible without redefining them in the namespace where the type resides in
The first can be solved with SFINAE of course, or some other implementation or emulation of C++ concepts. The second one is tricky, but I think there's an elegant solution to it as well: using-declarations.
namespace reflection
inline namespace operators
template<class T>
bool operator< (T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
return tie_nsdm(lhs) < tie_nsdm(rhs);
namespace user_namespace
class user_type
int x;
int y;
friend auto tie_nsdm(user_type const& o) {
return tie(o.x, o.y);
// import
using reflection::operator<;
Names introduced via using-declarations can be found by ADL from the point of definition of a template, as opposed to names introduced via using-directives. And since namespaces are open for extension, we can even add in those operators in our source files on demand:
#include <algorithms>
#include "a_faint_reflection.hpp"
#include "my_library.hpp"
// local extension of user_namespace
// to introduce support for C++ standard algorithms
namespace user_namespace
using reflection::operator<;
int main()
std::vector<user_namespace::user_type> v(10);
std::sort(begin(v), end(v));
Of course, you could have passed a comparison function to std::sort
using the same pseudo-reflection mechanism to implement said function:
namespace reflection
inline namespace comparison_function_objects
struct less
template<typename T>
bool operator()(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) const {
return tie_nsdm(lhs) < tie_nsdm(rhs);
#include "my_library.hpp"
int main()
std::vector<user_namespace::user_type> v(10);
std::sort(begin(v), end(v), reflection::less{});
And since the function tie_nsdm
is found via ADL as a free function,
we can implement this non-intrusively if we have access to the relevant state from outside:
// my_library.hpp
namespace user_namespace
struct user_type
int x;
int y;
// main.cpp
#include <algorithm>
#include "my_library.hpp"
#include "a_faint_reflection.hpp"
// The tie_nsdm function can be placed
// - either in namespace user_namespace (found via ADL)
// - or in namespace reflection (found via ordinary unqualified lookup)
// ADL can find it even after importing the reflection machinery,
// but ordinary unqualified lookup cannot.
// However, the operator functions can only be found via ADL
// since you may not inject them into namespace std,
// and they are not guaranteed to be found in the global namespace.
#include <tuple>
namespace user_namespace
// be careful with the linkage when doing this inside a source file
static auto tie_nsdm(user_type const& o) {
return std::tie(o.x, o.y);
using reflection::operator<;
int main()
std::vector<user_namespace::user_type> v(10);
std::sort(begin(v), end(v));
Restoring encapsulation
I am a bit concerned about the potential of accidental misuse of a function that exposes implementation details so easily and comprehensively. There are several protection mechanism that can be employed to prevent accidental misuse, or in this case, accidentally referring to a function. Any such mechanism typically requires additional complexity, hence they should be employed, as usual, only if their benefits outweigh their costs.
Protecting functions with key types
The first, admittedly very weak, protection mechanism is the name of the function.
A name like tie_nsdm
to me does not reflect that this function is quite special
and should only be used in very specific contexts.
Of course, this invariably leads us to bikeshedding;
but I'd like to give at least an idea of how the name of a function can be a warning sign.
Consider reflect_internal_state
, where both the context of reflection and
the dangerousness of exposing the internal state is reflected in the name.
Type safety can also be used as a protection mechanism. The name of a function is typically insufficient to convey all information necessary for a proper usage of the function. When we write a generic component, we often do not know which function is actually called, especially due to argument-dependent lookup for dependent function names. Hence, in those cases, we typically do not know whether it was the user's intention for us to call this particular function, or whether it is a function with the same name but implementing a different concept:
namespace mfd
class some_container {};
// to empty: remove all elements
template<typename Container>
void empty(Container& c);
namespace ste
class some_container {};
// being empty: contains no elements
template<typename Container>
bool empty(Container const& c);
namespace pandalib
template<typename Container>
void generic_function(Container& c) {
// first, clear container
// then, insert new elements
// ...
int main()
mfd::some_container a;
pandalib::generic_function(a); // fine
ste::some_container b;
pandalib::generic_function(b); // oops
This in itself is a topic I'm interested in; I'll probably write a dedicated article about it eventually.
But back to protection mechanisms: Type safety allows us to define unique tag types. If we use such a unique tag type as a function parameter, we can narrow down the set of viable overloads found for a rather unspecific function name:
namespace mfd
class some_container {};
struct empty_tag {};
// to empty: remove all elements
template<typename Container>
void empty(empty_tag, Container& c);
namespace ste
class some_container {};
struct empty_tag {};
// being empty: contains no elements
template<typename container>
bool empty(empty_tag, container const& c);
namespace pandalib
template<typename Container>
void generic_function(Container& c) {
// first, clear container
empty(mfd::empty_tag{}, c);
// then, insert new elements
// ...
int main()
mfd::some_container a;
pandalib::generic_function(a); // fine
ste::some_container b;
pandalib::generic_function(b); // using mfd::empty, or error if that's not compatible
Such a tag type serves as a unique identifier for a concept. The technique can be hardened by using a noncopyable, nonmovable tag type instead, with an explicit default constructor, and passing it to a reference parameter. This can prevent accidentally overriding the mechanism by using types that can be converted to any default-initializable type. (Of course, you can even add similar layers on top of that.)
Note that for concepts, we do typically not need unique identifiers for each concept. It should be sufficient to have a unique tag type that identifies a set of concepts.
With access control, we can turn a tag into a key. By preventing unauthorized access to the key, we prevent the function from being called. In fact, we can even prevent overload resolution that way; generating a pointer to that function remains a way to deduce its return type and hence get access to the internal representation:
template<typename T>
void generic_function(T const&);
class key_tag
explicit key_tag() = default;
key_tag(key_tag const&) = default;
key_tag(key_tag&&) = default;
~key_tag() = default;
template<typename T>
friend void generic_function(T const&);
template<typename T>
void generic_function(T const& t) {
auto internals = expose_internals(key_tag{}, t);
// ...
auto expose_internals(key_tag, encapsulated_type const&);
Another layer: the key vault
As it turned out, this is too much protection. To keep the code simple, we split it into (reusable) functions. Similarly, we split type computations into metafunctions. The technique shown above requires explicitly specifying every single entity (class, function) that may access the key type individually. This makes maintenance harder, since we need to register every metafunction that needs access to the key as a friend of the key type. (We could also pass around a pointer to the function or a key object, but this probably increases complexity.)
It might be a better idea to keep the key in a vault.
Only registered entities can open the vault,
but they can retrieve the key and pass it to any entity.
Unlocking the target (expose_internals
in the example above)
requires access to the key only, but not to the vault.
template<typename Key, typename T, typename = void>
struct exposable
: std::integral_constant<bool, false> {};
template<typename Key, typename T>
struct exposable<Key, T, decltype( expose_internals(Key{}, std::declval<T&>()), void() )>
: std::integral_constant<bool, true> {};
struct lock;
class key_vault
struct key {};
friend lock;
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<exposable<key_vault::key, T>{}>*>
friend void generic_function(T const&);
struct lock
constexpr lock(key_vault::key) noexcept {}
class encapsulated_type;
auto expose_internals(lock, encapsulated_type const&);
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<exposable<key_vault::key, T>{}>* = nullptr>
void generic_function(T const& t) {
auto internals = expose_internals(key_vault::key{}, t);
// ...
Note that this technique requires accessing the key type in the template-parameter itself;
a default argument for a template parameter cannot be used.
The context where the default template argument is used
might not have the rights to access the key type.
This also requires the unfortunately long friend-declaration within key_vault
Additionally to being long, it may not specify default template arguments (being no definition, see below),
and therefore must differ from at least one other declaration of this function in namespace scope
that defines the default template argument.
The key_vault
and lock
types can be coerced,
but I believe the separation might help understanding their purposes.
On the other hand, the name lock
might be misleading,
and I couldn't find a better one.
Placing the enable_if
After implementing the above code with clang++, I discovered that g++ rejects the technique. It boils down to adding default template arguments to an already declared template:
struct str
struct nested {};
template<nested*> friend void fun();
template<str::nested* = nullptr> void fun() {}
The nested struct cannot be forward-declared prior to the definition of str
therefore we cannot forward-declare fun
In my real code (see the previous example),
we need the nested type to implement the key vault.
As explained earlier, the type nested
cannot appear as a default template argument
rather than within the type of a non-type template parameter either.
The fun
function must be findable at namespace scope
to allow the user importing them via a using-declaration,
therefore I need a declaration of each friend function template at namespace scope
in addition to the friend declaration within the key_vault
That is, I cannot just provide the friend-declaration.
For the simplified code, g++ reports:
redeclaration of friend ‘template<str::nested* <anonymous> > void fun()’ may not have default template arguments
I do not know if g++ is correct;
however I do want to post code here that works with at least two compilers, if I can help it.
For functions which are not constructors,
we can fall back to the C++98 style of applying enable_if
in the return type:
struct lock;
class key_vault
struct key {};
friend lock;
template<typename T>
friend auto generic_function(T const&)
-> std::enable_if_t<exposable<key_vault::key, T>{}>;
template<typename T>
auto generic_function(T const& t)
-> std::enable_if_t<exposable<key_vault::key, T>{}>
auto internals = expose_internals(key_vault::key{}, t);
// ...
We can also define the generic_function
within the friend-declaration.
This enables us to provide the default template arguments within that friend-declaration as well.
Later, we simply redeclare it at namespace scope without default template arguments.
Both g++ and clang++ accept the following code:
struct lock;
class key_vault
struct key {};
friend lock;
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<exposable<key_vault::key, T>{}>* = nullptr>
friend void generic_function(T const& t) {
auto internals = expose_internals(key_vault::key{}, t);
// ...
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<exposable<key_vault::key, T>{}>*>
void generic_function(T const&);
Protecting against forced entry
The key
and lock
types in the above examples are still unprotected.
Consider the function auto expose_internals(lock, encapsulated_type const&)
let expr<T>()
an expression of type T
with any value category.
Then, we should protect against the following "attacks":
expose_internals( {}, t );
— copy-list-initializing thelock
from an empty braced-init-listexpose_internals( {{}}, t );
— copy-list-initializing thelock
from a braced-init-listexpose_internals( expr<lock>(), t )
— constructing the lock from an expression of type lock (in an unevaluated context)expose_internals( {expr<any_convertible{}>()}, t )
— copy-list-initializing the lock from a type that can be converted to any type (in an unevaluated context)
The first attack can be parried by deleting the default constructor of lock
The lock
type shouldn't have an implicitly declared default constructor anyway,
since it has a manually declared converting constructor (converting from key
The second attack could be repelled
by declaring key
's default constructor as explicit
When defaulting an explicit default constructor,
both recent versions of clang++ and g++ do not reject the program,
nor do they report any warnings.
An explanation can be found in the description of the C++
Core Working Group issue #1518,
though I find the behaviour to be quite surprising.
There is another way to prevent this attack however,
and it also prevents attack number four:
We can use a constructor template in lock
that deduces its template parameter from the type of its function argument.
No type can be deduced from a braced-initializer-list,
hence we remove the link to the type key
abused in the attack.
The constructor template of course has to be restricted to the key type,
e.g. via SFINAE.
To provide a better error message, we can add a complementary constructor template,
defined as deleted.
The third attack constructs a lock
from an expression of type lock
(possibly in an unevaluated context).
We can easily prohibit this by disallowing copy and move operations on locks.
This implies that the function to protect either takes the lock by reference,
or we construct the lock inplace by using a braced-init-list within the function call expression.
If the function to protect takes the lock by reference,
the third attack could simply use something like std::declval<lock>()
which has the result type lock&&
Therefore, the function to protect shall take the lock by value.
struct noncopyable_nonmovable
noncopyable_nonmovable() = default;
noncopyable_nonmovable(noncopyable_nonmovable const&) = delete;
noncopyable_nonmovable(noncopyable_nonmovable&&) = delete;
class key_vault
struct key
explicit key() = default;
friend class lock;
class lock : noncopyable_nonmovable
lock() = delete; // prevents expose_internals( {}, t )
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<not std::is_same<T, key_vault::lock>{}>* = nullptr<
lock(T) = delete; // prevents expose_internals( {{}}, t )
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, key_vault::lock>{}>* = nullptr<
constexpr lock(T) noexcept {}
template<typename Key, typename T, typename = void>
struct exposable
: std::integral_constant<bool, false> {};
template<typename Key, typename T> // note: v----------------v
struct exposable<Key, T, decltype( expose_internals({key_vault::key{}}, std::declval<T&>()), void() )>
: std::integral_constant<bool, true > {};
What's next?
- Measuring the abstraction penalty in real programs. How well can the compiler optimize the code when using this technique?
- Fine-grained access control to the reflection function. For example, by making the reflection function itself publicly accessible, but returning a class type that exposes the information only to certain friends.
A complete example
For the concepts emulation, I was heavily inspired by
StackOverflow user Paul's
answer to the question
void_t "can implement concepts"?.
Although, I think, the answer does not have much to do with void_t
which I therefore ignore in my implementation below.
Paul seems to have based his implementation on
Concept Checking in C++11 by Eric Niebler
I've chosen to include a minimal implementation of my own below,
to make the example complete,
i.e. independent from any third-party libraries.
Additionally, I had to implement a workaround to avoid using defaulted template parameters in my "requires" clauses,
as described above.
To find out about the pros and cons of both workarounds,
I have implemented both:
is implemented in the friend function definition,
while operator<
uses C++98-style SFINAE in the return type.
#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>
template<typename... Args>
constexpr auto c_tie(Args&... args) {
return std::tuple<Args&...>(args...);
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_rvalue_reference<T&&>{}>>
T&& xval();
template<typename T>
T& lval();
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t< ! std::is_reference<T>{} >>
T prval();
template<typename T>
T&& expr();
struct noncopyable_nonmovable
noncopyable_nonmovable() = default;
noncopyable_nonmovable(noncopyable_nonmovable const&) = delete;
noncopyable_nonmovable(noncopyable_nonmovable&&) = delete;
namespace concepts_emulation
template<typename ConceptCall, typename Matcher = void>
struct models : std::false_type {};
template<typename Concept, typename... Args>
struct models<Concept(Args...), decltype( xval<Concept>().requires_(expr<Args>()...), void() )>
: std::true_type
template<typename T>
using doesnt_model = std::integral_constant<bool, not models<T>{}>;
inline namespace regularity_concepts
struct EqualityComparable
template<typename T>
auto requires_(T&& x) -> decltype( x == x );
struct LessThanComparable
template<typename T>
auto requires_(T&& x) -> decltype( x < x );
// We should evaluate multiple requirements lazily,
// since evaluating a requirement can lead to a hard error
// if its well-formedness depends on an earlier requirement.
template<typename... RequiresClauses> struct requires_clause_list {};
template<typename... RequiresClauses>
struct meets_requirements_c : std::true_type {};
template<typename RequiresClause, typename... Rest>
struct meets_requirements_c<RequiresClause, Rest...>
: std::conditional_t<RequiresClause{}, meets_requirements_c<Rest...>, std::false_type> {};
template<typename... RequiresClauses, typename... Rest>
struct meets_requirements_c<requires_clause_list<RequiresClauses...>, Rest...>
: meets_requirements_c<RequiresClauses..., Rest...> {};
template<typename... RequiresClauses>
using meets_requirements_t = typename meets_requirements_c<RequiresClauses...>::type;
template<typename RequiresClauseList, typename = meets_requirements_t<RequiresClauseList>>
struct requirements_c { /* not met */ };
template<typename... RequiresClauses>
struct requirements_c<requires_clause_list<RequiresClauses...>, std::true_type>
template<typename ReturnType> using met = ReturnType;
template<typename... RequiresClauses>
using requirements = requirements_c<requires_clause_list<RequiresClauses...>>;
template<typename... RequiresClauses>
using requires_mf = typename requirements<requires_clause_list<RequiresClauses...>>::template met<void>;
#define REQUIRES_FWD(...) concepts_emulation::requires_mf<__VA_ARGS__>*
#define REQUIRES(...) REQUIRES_FWD(__VA_ARGS__) = nullptr
#define REQUIRES_RET(...) typename concepts_emulation::requirements<__VA_ARGS__> :: template
#define RETURNS(TYPE) met<TYPE>
namespace reflection
// parsing helper for `Reflectable::requires_`:
// unqualified lookup needs to determine that `Reflect` is a function
// from the point of definition
// Unfortunately, recent g++ rejects later code, claiming it would
// refer to a deleted function (compiler bug?)
//void Reflect(void) = delete;
template<typename Key>
struct Reflectable
template<typename T>
auto requires_(T&& x) -> decltype( Reflect({xval<Key>()}, x) );
template<typename Key, typename T>
using Reflection = decltype( Reflect({xval<Key>()}, lval<T>()) );
template<typename T>
using models = concepts_emulation::models<T>;
template<typename T0, typename T1>
struct is_different : std::integral_constant<bool, not std::is_same<T0, T1>{}> {};
struct lock;
class key_vault : noncopyable_nonmovable
struct key
explicit key() = default;
friend lock;
template<typename T,
REQUIRES( models<Reflectable<key_vault::key>(T)>,
models<concepts_emulation::EqualityComparable(Reflection<key_vault::key, T>)> )
> friend constexpr bool operator== (T const& lhs, T const& rhs)
return Reflect({key_vault::key{}}, lhs) == Reflect({key_vault::key{}}, rhs);
template<typename T>
friend constexpr auto operator< (T const& lhs, T const& rhs) ->
REQUIRES_RET( models<Reflectable<key_vault::key>(T)>,
models<concepts_emulation::LessThanComparable(Reflection<key_vault::key, T>)> )
struct lock : noncopyable_nonmovable
lock() = delete;
template<typename T, REQUIRES(is_different<T, key_vault::key>)>
lock(T) = delete;
template<typename T, REQUIRES(std::is_same<T, key_vault::key>)>
constexpr lock(T) noexcept {}
template<typename T,
REQUIRES_FWD( models<Reflectable<key_vault::key>(T)>,
models<concepts_emulation::EqualityComparable(Reflection<key_vault::key, T>)> )
> constexpr bool operator== (T const& lhs, T const& rhs);
template<typename T>
constexpr auto operator< (T const& lhs, T const& rhs) ->
REQUIRES_RET( models<Reflectable<key_vault::key>(T)>,
models<concepts_emulation::LessThanComparable(Reflection<key_vault::key, T>)> )
RETURNS(bool) {
return Reflect({key_vault::key{}}, lhs) < Reflect({key_vault::key{}}, rhs);
namespace user_namespace
class MyRegularType
constexpr MyRegularType(int count, double amount)
: count(count), amount(amount)
constexpr friend auto Reflect(reflection::lock, MyRegularType const& o)
-> std::tuple<int const&, double const&> // insufficient support for C++14 (g++)
return c_tie(o.count, o.amount);
int count;
double amount;
class ReflectableIncomparable
class Incomparable {};
friend Incomparable Reflect(reflection::lock, ReflectableIncomparable const&) {
return {};
class VampireType {};
using namespace concepts_emulation;
using reflection::Reflectable;
using reflection::Reflection;
// (A)
static_assert(not models<EqualityComparable(MyRegularType)>{}, "");
static_assert(not models<LessThanComparable(MyRegularType)>{}, "");
using reflection::operator==;
using reflection::operator<;
// These two tests fail, probably due to memoization during the two tests above (A).
//static_assert(models<EqualityComparable(MyRegularType)>{}, "");
//static_assert(models<LessThanComparable(MyRegularType)>{}, "");
constexpr auto cx = MyRegularType(1, 2.3);
constexpr auto cy = cx;
constexpr auto cz = MyRegularType(4, 5.6);
static_assert( cx == cy , "" );
static_assert( !(cx < cx) , "" );
static_assert( !(cx == cz) , "" );
static_assert( cx < cz , "" );
static_assert(not models<EqualityComparable(ReflectableIncomparable)>{}, "");
static_assert(not models<LessThanComparable(ReflectableIncomparable)>{}, "");
static_assert(not models<EqualityComparable(VampireType)>{}, "");
static_assert(not models<LessThanComparable(VampireType)>{}, "");
int main() {}